Wk 5: Cultural and Institutional Contexts
Please read the following:
· Van Slyke, Benson & Cullen, Chapters 14-15 and chapter 17 (3 chapters)
· Johnston, Chapter 6
Please follow the Discussion guidelines to discuss the following questions.
1. Please post one question that you found most intriguing, important, puzzling, infuriating, contrary to what you thought before, etc. about the assigned reading. You should then give a brief idea of yours in the same post. (10 points for this part, the rest of 20 points are for the following parts that you should respond to them and make comments on your classmates’ posts)
2. What parts of our culture do you think may encourage white-collar criminals to commit unlawful behavior? You may integrate Robert Merton’s anomie theory or Messner and Rosenfeld’s institutional anomie theory to assist your explanations.
3. If culture can be blamed for its contributions to white-collar crime? What should we do about it? Please offer your insight with some evidence-based arguments (can be theories, research findings, strong logic reasoning, etc).
Your description and analysis should be evidence-based (citations). Please be cautious that some website information (like Wikipedia) may not offer credible information. Therefore, please double-check with other websites to confirm the information.
Please DO NOT Copy-Paste from what you read somewhere. The assignment is examined by the SafeAssign Plagiarism test.
Discussion’s format should be APA format (including references/citations), 12-point Times New Roman format, double-spaced. Please adopt ONLY ‘Microsoft Words’ or ‘Mac Pages’ software for the assignment.
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