Which Behaviors Out to be Crimes?

Discussion Board 5 Chapter 5: Crime and law: Which Behaviors Out to be Crimes?

What causes an officer to cross the line and behave inappropriately? How can we prevent this from happening? Perhaps, we need to change our way of interacting with members of the community. What are your thoughts after watching the video?

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Which Behaviors Out to be Crimes?
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The importance of mindset in policing | Chip Huth | TEDxTacoma

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The importance of mindset in policing | Chip Huth | TEDxTacoma (Links to an external site.)

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Grading (Rubric)
Students must answer the initial question and reply to at least two other students in order to receive credit.

These posts must address all parts of the question. 5 points.
The post must be at least one paragraph long- 5 points
The post must be written in correct academic format (Check for spelling and grammatical errors prior to submitting) 5 points

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I think that its great that these officers were able to identify problems they were facing in the community and fix them. One thin they did that I do every day I work is tell themselves to treat citizens like they would want to be treated. Weird how those golden rules come back from childhood. I don’t drag out traffic stops, I don’t ask where you’re coming from or where you’re headed, because its non of my business. Your busy, I’m busy, no need to prolong this situation.

I also like how these officers were able to have solid citizen interactions between helping with community service and speaking with community leaders to find a better solution. Unfortunately, a lot of departments don’t have the budget or the manpower to allow for things like that. I know Alexandria PD does “coffee with a cop,” where the coffee is free and its a way for people in the community to share their concerns/complaints and the only people that show are the cops. Its difficult when the local community doesn’t trust us. They won’t work with us and then we can solve their problems, and its a viscous cycle.

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A few things that can cause an officer to cross the line and respond inappropriately is not cooperating with them when they are trying to do their job, disrespecting them or making their lives feel threatened. We the people also have to understand although we may not always agree with the officers or even get upset with them that they are only doing their jobs.

After watching this video it shows that not all officers are bad and some actually go above and beyond for their job and people. I loved this video because you always see negative things that cops are doing like senseless killings and etc but rarely see the good deeds that a lot of these officers go out of their way to do. The way that these officers cared and acted during the situations in this video speaks volume. It also shows that the world is so focused on the negative that the good deeds/positive things often goes unnoticed. If more people knew about this video I’m sure it would change the way a lot of people look at some cops and it will help them to understand that not all cops are bad cops.

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