SPSS Assignment Quantitative Inquiry for Public Managers research proposal

Spss assignment
1- Develop a research question that can be answered using the variables in the dataset.
a. Define the research question. IMPORTANT: the question must be answered in the form of a comparison (i.e. “states who had X characteristics differed from states who did not have X characteristics on Y variable”).

b. Provide a justification as for why this is an important question that warrants investigation. In doing so, present a series of hypotheses indicating how you expect this comparison to occur.
c. Present three variables. 2 of them must be scale and 1 must be nominal. The nominal
variable will be your independent variable. The 2 scale variables will be used as dependent
variables to assess whether your hypotheses hold.Justify why the variables of interest are relevant and useful to answer your research
question. You must mention why the variables may explain the outcome (dependent
variable/s) of interest. IMPORTANT: you must develop a convincing and detailed
argument on why these variables are relevant and necessary to answer your research
question. This section should take the bulk of your writing.
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