Resistance and Revolution
Written Reflection – Hannah Arendt – The Social Question
Answer to number1 must be 2 and half pages
Required Reading: -Hannah Arendt – “The Social Question” in On Revolution
Required viewing/listening: -film: The French Revolution
Part 1:
Part 2:
Reflection Questions
The Social Question
-We can all intuit that easing poverty and economic inequality is a strong reason for revolution. So, what exactly is Arendt saying here when she argues that when ‘the social question’ becomes the principle of a revolution, it is bound to fail? What do you think of her argument?
-Do you think that Arendt’s assessment of Marx is fair, accurate?
-Can you think of an example of when someone’s moral attitude towards a social ill was too extreme to be helpful? Try to relate this experience to Arendt’s argument about the ‘zele compatissant’ in Robespierre’s French Revolution.
Number 2.
Look for additional resources like video clips, conference talks, pod casts, book chapters, journal articles, new stories, and websites that may help you and other students gain knowledge about civil disobedience
Here are the things to focus on while looking for the additional resources
1) name the item for easy referencing
2) Under description, indicate “What:” your post is.
3) Under description, indicate “Why” you choose your item, what it has to do with the theme (civil disobedience) of the week/course.
4) list appropriate search words.
It has to look like this example.
-Name of the item: Civil Disobedience, Martin Luther King, Conference Talk
-What: This talk from the 2018 Hannah Arendt Centre conference on Civil Disobedience discusses the legacy of MLK. Once on the webpage, scroll down to MLK and the Legacy of Civil Disobedience in America.
-Why: All three speakers give interesting talks, and key themes include the Black Lives Matter movement, the resistance by NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and the concepts of ‘parvenue’ vs. ‘pariah’, which were themes developed by Hannah Arendt.
-Search words: Civil disobedience, Martin Luther King, Black lives matter, violence, nonviolence, pariah, parvenue, Kaepernick, race

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