Reply to classmates
In your replies to classmates, interact substantively with their viewpoint. This can be done by asking questions or by extending or expanding upon what they have said.
A substantive reply cannot simply be a brief expression of agreement or disagreement. Instead, a substantive reply should involve a minimum of 100 words that engage with the classmate’s point of view. Substantive engagement could take the form of asking questions, extending a viewpoint in the classmate’s initial post, or adding your own experience to the discussion. There are other ways, too; the main goal is to treat the online forum like you would a face-to-face discussion. At all times, initial posts and replies are expected to be civil and constructive in nature.
When addressing a particular classmate preface your post with that person’s name – “Dear Joe” or “Anita” or “Hi, Gwendolyn.” The point is to avoid ambiguous postings that leave your readers confused about who it is you are addressing.
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