Personal narrative and position essay.

Serious inquiries only. Payment will be withheld for lazy work. If the paper follows ALL the instructions and is actually good, I will add a handsome bonus. Only apply if you are a native speaker, I don’t need any Indian ESL students posing as good writers. I really mean it.

*This is not a research paper! Do Not Use outside sources!
* Do not use the standard 5 paragraph structure, instead follow this structure:

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Personal narrative and position essay.
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Introduction: What brought me to this piece of writing? What inspired me to write?
Narration: What needs to be clarified before I continue? What background or context does my reader need to know? What’s the backstory? How did we get here?
Confirmation: What supports my point-of-view? What evidence allowed me to arrive at this argument?
Refutation: What are other ways of seeing these ideas? How are they valid?
Conclusion: All that said, what are the benefits of seeing these ideas from my point-of-view?

Our ideas are often the product of our subject position and personal experiences. Within a focused and organized four-page essay locate the origin of your ideas and make a claim about a specific social issue.
Ideas to Consider Before Writing:

How do I identify myself? What is my role in society?
What social issues are important to me?
How was I raised (how has this influenced my beliefs)?
How strong/weak is my understanding of certain issues I feel strongly about?

What to include in the writing.
Choose one social issue and take a position
Include anecdotes about specific events in your life that led to your views
Organize and balance your position and how it was developed

YOU can take choose a social issue and write from your personal experiences. All I can tell you is that I am an Asian male and I moved to the U.S. when I was ten. You don’t have to include or use this information at all, just don’t make it a bizarre background story. And you can choose what ever social issue you want to.

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