Personal and Corporate Ethics Debate

Ethical behavior can be viewed at a personal level, as well as a corporate level. In business, personal ethics is often tied to the agency theory and at the corporate level tied to corporate social responsibility.

For this discussion forum,

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Personal and Corporate Ethics Debate
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First, identify one real-life example of personal ethics and one real-life example of corporate social responsibility in the financial field from the last five years (no Enron or WorldCom examples, as these are too old). The example can be positive or negative. Note: When possible, select a different example than those already posted by a fellow classmate.
Next, explain each ethical example and what might have been done differently, as well as what you learned from the example.
Finally, select one financial business regulation (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, etc.) and debate how it does or does not promote ethical behavior. Be sure to be specific when describing the regulation. What are other ways to ensure strong ethical business decisions?

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