Molecular Biology Techniques
Research proposal on a topic of their choosing that is related in some way to the use of molecular biology techniques in biology
2 parts of the proposal:
– Part 1: explain the scientific problem you want to examine and state the hypothesis that you will be examining
– Part2: should explain the methods that you propose to use to examine the scientific question. You may choose any type of biological question to examine, BUT the methods that you propose to study that question must be molecular biological in nature.
– Must include bibliography
– Web references must be approved by him
– Minimum of 6 references
– May go 100 words above or below
– Clearly state the hypothesis and your goals
– Use future tense for proposed experiments. “I will do X, Y and Z” or “I propose to perform the following experiments”
– Explain the goal of each experiment, why they will be performed and what you expect to find out from each experiment
– Don’t use references with no authors and it must have a date too
– References must be included in text
– Define terms unfamiliar to us
– Don’t use direct quotes
– Paraphrase in your own words
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