Module 8 – Evaluating Health and nutrition information discussion

Module 8 – Evaluating Health and nutrition information discussion for the rest of your lives, you will be facing a constant barrage of health and nutrition information from the news, the internet, and your interactions with other people. You will find that much of this information contains parts of the truth, but not the whole truth (and that many people don’t understand that science may not know how everything works but the information we do have can still represent good science). Part of the goal of this course is to equip you with the skills to evaluate nutrition information critically and then come to a reasonable conclusion about how you will use this information.

For this discussion, I want you to find a nutrition related website and critique it’s content. Please use the following tools to help you as you think about the message of the website.

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Module 8 – Evaluating Health and nutrition information discussion
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**********Please look for a crazy website!!!!! If you find a website from a reputable source (like the FANDA, ADA, NIH, etc) it is interesting to look at but ultimately the craziest websites (the kind circulated on Facebook by your friends) work best for this exercise.

Found this website for skinny drops

For inspiration, here is a great exchange between the “Food Babe” and Gawker: (As a matter of clarity, in my opinion – the Food babe IS full of S**t)

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