Marketing communication plan
A minimum 700-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft® Word. This document should address at least 5 elements of the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (modified below) sections of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies lists below). The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below. You must include a measurement of customer loyalty and retention in your strategy document. You may include more than the minimum to provide clarity and coherence to your document.
Situational Analysis:
Vision , Mission, Strategic objectives, Values
Competitor’s Strengths/Weaknesses
Market Segments
Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:
Creating a Brand Image
Maintaining Brand Image
Branding Concerns
Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication
Advertising Strategy/Objectives
Push and Pull
Media Strategy
Advertising Execution
Public Relations/Strategies
Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.
The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business chosen (colgate). This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
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