Lesson # 2 : Pol Science

Question(s): Many Pol sciences and sociologist suggest that this country was established by the rich upper class (white male property owners) and its foundation was designed to mainly protect and promote their interest. Those sciences argue that despite couple hundred years of hx and a vote by those grps as well as their participation in the social and political process in this nation, yet the foundation of he society is still intact and mainly operates to promote and protect the interest of the rich upper class.
a. do i agree or disagree with those scientist as well as with Micheal Parenti? my answer was yes.
b. In my essay i must deal with issues such as “class power in early America. Was there a class power in early America?
c. I f yes how did that effect the writing of the constitution and the quality of democracy in the United states.
d. How all these authors deal with the issue of class power in those assigned chapters from their books. the authors assigned for me to read was Micheal Parenti, William Domhoff book “WHO RULES AMERICA which was highly recommended. or C.W. Mills book the rolling class. My paper is to be written in a scholarly format, 10 font, single spaced. is this doable with no plagiarism written? she is a strict professor.

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