I-search Final Paper

Write Section IV. In this section, you talk about what you have learned from going through this whole process, and be truthful! Talk about your frustrations, your enlightenment, your familial support, what you will do better next time.
Now you put the whole thing together.
(these are my experiences in my daily log that has to be included in my final paper
Hello Everyone i’ve totally dropped the ball with my entries with morning sickness and my brother passing but I’m here now as of 6/11 I choose my research topic as dental hygientist I’m very interested in this topic I love everything about dental

6/16 I had a little trouble with my research paper but I’m getting thru it and finding a lot of interesting things I didn’t know about dental

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6/17 here I am writing my annotated and its because somewhat easy just a bit frustrating but I’m getting through it

6/18 No research today sorry guys been one of those days
Hello Everyone i’ve totally dropped the ball with my entries with morning sickness and my brother passing but I’m here now as of 6/11 I choose my research topic as dental hygientist I’m very interested in this topic I love everything about dental

6/22 Working on part 3 of my research paper this is actually a really fun assignment that I’m really enjoying

6/23 A bit confused with my research paper had to take a bit of a break to clear my mind so I’m back at it tonight

6/24 & 6/25

I had a bit of a struggle with my rough draft I can honestly say my brain is fried from all of the writing so far but I’m still pushing to write great essay’s ( my daily logs must be put into paragraphs

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