Healthcare Priority Issue

Please use at least 3 SCHOLARLY articles. APA style.

PRIORITY HEALTHCARE ISSUE: Immunization – children and adults

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Healthcare Priority Issue
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Identify and describe the selected healthcare priority issue, the population it involves, and the significance of the health care issue. Include facts or data.

Discuss the rationale for choosing the priority healthcare issue and explain the priority healthcare issue importance to nursing. Provide details.

Clearly identify two nursing actions or interventions designed to improve patient care or a patient outcome. From at least two nursing articles, select a total of two (no more or less) nursing interventions and
explain how the interventions improved two patient outcomes

Using the interventions from the articles/studies, describe how you would recommend a Quality Initiative (QI) to improve patient care within a healthcare facility (hospital) and explain why this QI would be important to implement for patients

Discuss why it is important for nursing to be involved in quality initiatives and identifies two nursing values and explain how each of the professional nursing values can help to improve patient care outcomes.

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