Final discussion

For this final discussion before your research essay is due 11:59p 8 July 2020,I want you to consider the impact of the media manipulation you’ve been dealing with in your research.

What is the impact potential of manipulation on the constituents of our society? We live in a democratic republic, where citizens have direct voices in local politics and representative voices in state and national politics. If we are the ones making the decisions regarding what we value, who we elect, what laws are enacted, and what judgements are made about those laws, we are, in effect and fact, creating our own idea of what is Good and Valuable and Right. We are responsible for not only what we do but how we vote and what impact our choices have on ourselves, our societies, and others impacted by or part of our societies.

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What sort of impact, then, does media have on what we think, what we value, and what we do? How does what you’ve discovered affect audiences? How does one act differently once that impact is known? What can we do to educate others and/or mitigate the impact of manipulation on our societies?

Think of this as informing your concluding movement in your essay.

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