Explore the Separation of Church and State

For this assignment, prepare a presentation on the topic of separation of church and state as applied to higher education settings. Use your responses to the following questions to shape your perspective.
• What limitations are there on the exercise of religion in institutions that accept government funds?
• To what extent may government be involved with higher education institutions affiliated with religious organizations?
• What does the First Amendment’s free exercise clause authorize? How does this mandate apply to higher education institutions?
• What does the First Amendment’s establishment clause authorize? How does this mandate apply to higher education institutions?
• How can these two clauses be reconciled?
• What differences between private and church-related institutions are mandated in state-private sector relations?
• When does a private institution become public?
• When does the Fourteenth Amendment apply to private institutions?
• What happens when the relationship involves the federal government or is there federal action?

References: Include a minimum of three scholarly resources

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Explore the Separation of Church and State
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