Ethics and legal precepts written assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to better understand the nurses professional legal responsibility related to criminal law, civil law and informed consent. This is an individual assignment in place of the weekly discussion. A 3-5 page paper, in APA format (including reference page) addressing the objectives is due by the indicated due date on the learning management system. Paper must include at least 3 references which are no more than 5 years old.
Exemplars for the Ethics and Legal Precepts are:
• Criminal Law
• Civil Law
• Informed Consent
The following objectives must be identified for each exemplar:
1) Explain the definition of the exemplar
2) Describe the ethical-legal parameters for nursing practice related to each exemplar
3) Analyze the roll of the nurse related to risk and quality management
A paragraph must have at least three sentences, and at least eight words in a sentence. No cover sheet or abstract is required. Minimal expectations include:
• appropriate formatting for the title and headings/subheadings, if applicable
• 1” margins
• double-spacing
• in-text citations
• a reference page.

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Ethics and legal precepts written assignment
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