Developing a Thesis
Remember every thesis must have a destabilizing condition plus a cost. Another way to say this is every thesis must have a conflict and a reason or reasons why it matters, the stakes. Each thesis needs to be contestable, that is someone should be able to disagree with it, and it should be reasonable. Many theses may not appear reasonable at the start, but then it is the job of the writer to prove why it is reasonable, nonetheless. Remember, you also want the thesis statement to forecast the paper.
1.I am working on the topic of ________________________________________________________________.
2.In order to show/find out about/ to change _______________________________________________________ ____.
3.So that we can understand better why/how/what/when __________________________________________ or so that we may avoid the cost of ____________________________________________________________ or gain the benefit of ____________________________________________________
List additional specific terms/key words and possible alternative terms that are important to your argument/claim
1.NOUNS—what kind?
4.Think of opposites or counterclaims. For each of these terms consider “as opposed to ______.
5.Write the claim, your working thesis, using the most appropriate words on the list above.
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