Compose Annotations of Research Studies
This week, you will draw on your references gathered during this course, and any other references from other courses related to the topic of your research review, to compile an annotated bibliography. Be sure to make use of your new note-taking skills when preparing the information in the annotated bibliography and follow APA form and style in preparing the bibliographic information. Include a title page indicating the topic of the assignment; but beyond that, there is no need for an introduction or a conclusion, as annotations have a unique style of their own. Use the framework of headings outlined this week. The headings should be bolded, and the annotations need to be double-spaced.
Your annotated bibliography should include at least three entries following the four-part outline provided this week. These would be bolded and on the left margin. Use the suggested template to help with the assignment.
Type and Purpose
Findings and Conclusions
Length: Each annotation should be 300-500 words or 1–1.5 pages; total length for three annotations would be 4 pages, double-spaced.
References: Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly resources

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