CAM assignment
Individual assignment
see attached guideline and rubricsguideline
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2020 Culture Assessment Model (CAM) Assignment
In this increasingly diverse environment, it is critical that professional nurses are able to culturally assess all clients in an effort to provide safe, competent, comprehensive holistic care that yields better health outcomes and is consistent with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which states “No person in the United States shall, on ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in , be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”. Title VI and its implementing regulations require recipients of federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) persons.
The purpose of this exercise is for nursing students to be able to:
Articulate, document and demonstrate knowledge of one or more cultural assessment models.
Compare and contrast 2 cultural assessment models (CAM), define and explain the history and background of the theorist.
Explain and identify (3) strengths and weaknesses of the models (noting characteristics of how the models compare and contrast
Based on the compare and contrast of CAMs, determine which model you would implement with your multicultural patients based on at least 3 benefits specific to language, religion, race and ethnicity.
Make at least three recommendations to improve the model and its application based on the identified weaknesses.
At least 3-5 references to support your content of which 2 are from the nursing discipline.
this is a 5-7 page content, with abstract that is APA compliant, Times New Roman, 12′ font
*this assessment model will be applied to your future care plan assignment

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