Brand image

First, why are you changing the APA level of headings from the template?

Next, why are you writing in British English – first paragrph? I’m guessing you are attributing from Swan and Zou but if you are paraphrasing, you need to do it in US English.

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Good introduction to set the stage for the research paper – the rest of the research should be relative to consumer decision making and brand image.

PURPOSE STATEMENT SECTION: so this doesn’t clearly follow the template example but it does have the necessary components, therefore: the purpose of this study is to TEST the symbolic interaction theory and its impact on consumer perception (I’m guessing leading to behavior and decision motives) on brand image. You indicate discuss – but that is assumed as the entire project is on this topic.

I put test theory as you indicated earlier that you are changing to quantitative – I hope so as chapter 3 needs to indicate that and chapter 2 should have hypotheses.

PROBLEM STATEMENT SECTION: Are you taking real life examples OR are you sending out a survey to get an understanding from your participants? I’m not sure where “Investors” would undertake brand image – this would be the organization.

Again, you have strayed away from the business problem statement – I’m not sure why you are doing this. It is ok to have academic support, but this is YOUR THESIS.

At the end, you write: “this study incorporates quantitative methods to bridge consumer psychology and brand image” – YES this is good, but it should NOT be Haider et al., It should be YOUR THESIS.

ALSO, this should be part of your purpose statements – the same words. So it should be “to bridge symbolic interaction with brand image” in consumer decision making.

RESEARCH QUESTION SECTION: Ok, I didn’t see much relevance to sports shoes in the prior discussion as it relates to question 1. I’m ok with this but looking to see where you are going in the rest of the reseach.

Question 4 and 5 would generally be qualitative type questions because of the word HOW. Most importantly, you need survey questions (I hope you have a survey) that would help you answer these questions. I can’t give too much more response here until I see your survey and how the survey aligns with each of these research question.

Remove question 6 – most if not all the other questions have a dependent and independent variable. These will be expressed in your hypothesis section.

BUSINESS SETTING – you are really looking at the Business Graduate Students in the Educational Industry, at a Christian College located in Massachusetts.

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK – this looks good.

SCOPE & LIMITATIONS – these are yours, not the research you are reading. – For instance, the population chosen is NOT DIFFERENT PLAYERS IN THE COLLEGE SCHOOL TEAM – they are the students in the ENC Graduate program.

You need to redo the scope and limitations. I discussed this in class and provided guidance in the template. You can also research what scope and limitations are and add it to the paper from YOUR insight – not research.

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