Architecture; Skyscrapers; The role of Fazlur Rahman Khan in skyscraper design

Now that you have done some preliminary research to narrow your topic, it is time to start doing some real research and finding sources that are relevant to your topic. Preparing an annotated bibliography is the next step. This is mostly a process of searching and reading various sources and then deciding which ones you want to use. You can use the CRAAP test to evaluate your sources. CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. You can watch a video and read more about the CRAAP test here: (Links to an external site.)

You should probably find more than 5 sources, but for this assignment I only want you to write up 5 sources. This will show me that you know how to evaluate a source, how to format your citation in MLA style, give you some practice in writing a summary, and selecting quotes.

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So, for each source I want you to do four things.

Properly formatted MLA citation as it would be on your Works Cited page. Make sure your citations are in alphabetical order. Make sure your citation includes an active link.
Tell me why you think this source is reliable. In other words, how does it meet the CRAAP test.
Briefly summarize what the source says. Sometimes journals and articles contain summaries. You can use this to create your own but don’t just copy and paste it. That is plagiarism.
Tell me exactly how you are going to use it. If you are going to quote it, give me an example of a direct quote. If you are going to use statistics from it or an image, show me which statistic or image. Do not just say, “I’m going to use quotes from this” or “I’m going to use this article for statistics.” Give me actual examples of the quotes and statistics.
You don’t necessarily have to use all five of these sources in your paper. Indeed, I hope you can find better sources as you write and continue to do research. The paper will probably change. That’s what is known as revision. That’s OK. The skills you learned in “Using the MLA Database” should help here.
Here are two brief and instructive videos that will help you with the assignment, watch them both before you begin: (Links to an external site.)

This video gives very detailed instructions:

How to Write an MLA Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)

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You may also find the website below and the examples it cites useful in preparing your Annotated Bibliography

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