Academic Ethics Study
Read “For the Manager’s Desk Re: a State of the Union on academic ethics” on page 28 and consider the questions under it in 2.2. Then locate news articles on Operation Varsity Blues. Locate current statistics on academic cheating at the Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University,
In your paper, consider the relationship between the parents, the schools, the school officials, and the students. What happens to society and when cheating becomes so pervasive? How can schools address these pervasive problems? Should there be laws that punish cheating? What laws apply to the conduct of the parents and school officials?
Create a framework that provides a method for schools and society (and possibly government) to analyze these problems. Include a continuum of severity. Make recommendations for actions at different stages of the continuum. (In other words, should a first time cheater face the same consequences as a multi-time cheater? Are there different degrees of cheating?)
After you have analyzed the situation, make recommendations to educators, parents, students, and government (possibly local school boards?) to institute a culture of ethical behavior.
Please summarize your findings in paper addressing the questions and research related to the ethical issues. In your summary, please note a strategy that educational leaders can implement to manage the ethical problems in the current educational system. Please cite all sources.
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