Accounting Paper

This assignment requires you to complete four tax forms (Form 1040, Schedule 1, Schedule B, and Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet, using the provided taxpayer information. There are 4 forms that need to be filled out.

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  • Step 1: Read the information below and download the taxpayer information based on the last two digits of your REDid:
  • Step 2: Download the blank forms on which to complete the assignment Blank Form 1040
  • Step 3: Complete the Schedule B first, then Schedule 1, then the Form 1040 down through Line 10. Then complete the Qual Div worksheet and use that information to complete the rest of the Form 1040
  • Step 4: Submit all 4 documents to complete the assignment.

Alexander Smith and his wife Allison are married and file a joint tax return for 2018. The Smiths live at 1234 Buena Vista Drive, Orlando, FL 32830. Alexander is a commuter airline pilot but took 6 months off from his job in 2018 to obtain a higher level pilot’s license. The Smiths have a 17 year-old son, Brad, who is enrolled in eleventh grade at the Walt Disney Prep School. The Smiths also have an 18 year-old daughter, Angelina, who is a part-time first year student at Orange County Community College (OCCC). Angelina is married to Sean Shirker, who is 19 years old and also a part-time student at OCCC. Sean and Angelina have a 1 year old child, Trask (Social Security number 115-45-7893). All the Shirkers live in an apartment near the Smiths. Angelina and Sean both also work part-time for Sean’s wealthy grandfather as apprentices in his business. The Shirker’s wages for the year were $50,000 which allowed them to pay all the personal expenses for themselves and Trask.

Name Social Security number Date of birth
Alexander Smith 266-15-1966 09/22/1969
Allison Smith 266-34-1967 07/01/1970
Brad Smith 261-55-2121 12/21/2001
Angelina Shirker 261-45-1212 03/31/2000
Sean Shirker 546-78-1235 05/01/1999
Trask Shirker 115-45-7893 10/21/2017

Five years ago, Alexander divorced Jennifer Amistad (Social Security number 341-55-6789). Alexander pays Jennifer $200 per month in alimony under the divorce decree.

Not included with the Smith’s tax forms was interest from State of Florida bonds of $145.00.

Alexander also received a Form W-2, Form 1099-INT, and Form 1099-DIV that you should have downloaded in Step 1 above.

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