Medical School Admission Essay: “Personal Statement for Medical School”

Medical School Admission Essay: “Personal Statement for Medical School”
• However, will need a few drafts soon. (Maybe every week)

Prompt: Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to medical school. (Some questions to help started ~ in bullets below)
● Why have you selected the field of medicine?
● What motivates you to learn more about medicine?
● What do you want medical schools to know about you that hasn’t been disclosed in other sections of the application?
● Unique hardships, challenges, or obstacles that may have influenced your educational pursuits. (What makes you unique among all other candidates?)
● Commentary on significant fluctuations in your academic record that are not explained elsewhere in your application.
● Avoid Clichés — “I want to be a doctor”, everyone “loves science, wants to help and serve, and wants to do medicine because a grandparent died”
● Make the admission committee want to read your letter. Make it stand out and make the reader want to read more.
● A catch and 3-4 things that articulate your journey, and a bottom summary that reflects you back (who you are, and why?)
○ Because this is a personal statement, I can/will provide you with some confidential information about myself. (like challenges, hardships, experiences, etc)

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Medical School Admission Essay: “Personal Statement for Medical School”
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Requirements: Must be up to 5300 characters (including spaces).
** Whoever I hire, I will hire you again, to write several other essays too, and also edit this essay for DO schools (different requirements). **

Language: American English (USA).

Confidentiality: Paper must be original work, no plagiarism, not be shared with anyone other than the writer and the customer (me).

Examples: I would really appreciate it if you can please use the resources below because it will help a lot when writing this paper.

Example Format:
• 1st paragraph: These four or five sentences should “catch” the reader’s attention.
• 3-4 body paragraphs: Use these paragraphs to reveal who you are. Ideally, one of these paragraphs will reflect clinical understanding and one will reflect service.
• Concluding paragraph: The strongest conclusion reflects the beginning of your essay, gives a brief summary of you are, and ends with a challenge for the future.

**As mentioned above, this is just one essay I need, however I will need several more, and I will hire you again**

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