Anthropology in the News: Human Genetics Media


This assignment will give you the opportunity to learn more about the field of anthropology, to evaluate practical applications of anthropological theories and research, and to find interesting resources to share with your classmates.

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Anthropology in the News: Human Genetics Media
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What To Do

At any time during this learning area (i.e. human genetics), but no later than the assignment due date listed in Canvas, you will find a recent news article or video that is relevant to the concepts covered in any of the learning area’s associated modules.

You may find the article in a mainstream newspaper or magazine or on an anthropology-focused website. Some examples of mainstream newspapers are the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Salt Lake Tribune. Some examples of mainstream magazines are National Geographic, Scientific American, Discover, the New Yorker. Some excellent online resources include LiveScience (Links to an external site.) or ScienceDaily (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Share this article or video by clicking “Reply” below and creating a new post.

Format your post in the following fashion:

Write the title of your news article or video at the top of your post
Include the name of the author below the title
Beneath both, copy and paste a URL to your news article or video.
Beneath the URL or video, explain why you think this is relevant to our Module, and write one discussion question based on the article. Rather than posing yes or no questions or asking about facts, good discussion questions focus on the themes within the readings and are why and how-type questions that encourage conversation and could be discussed by anyone who is reading the course material.
After you submit your article and video, read the articles/watch the videos your fellow students have submitted and craft a thoughtful reply to a minimum of 2 other students by the assignment due date and time. Replies should be a minimum of 40 words and should evaluate the article/video in the context of the readings and lectures you’ve encountered in this learning area.

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