Documentary Analysis

Documentary Paper

Documentary Paper will be on: When They See Us (available on Netflix)

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Documentary Analysis
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Analyze the documentary and write your results. More specifically, you will need to:

  • Describethe story.
    This assignment is NOT a simple recitation of what happened in the case, but you should use sufficient detail that a naïve reader can follow your answer. The point is to apply scientific material to analyzing the case.
  • Chooseany theories, concepts, or research findings you have encountered during in class.
    Provide a straightforward discussion of the theory, concept, or research, describing it such that your understanding of the theory and its relevance to the documentary is clear.
  • Describehow the theory, concept, and research help “explain” the event.
    This is the crux of the paper. The strongest papers assume that the reader knows nothing. You must fully explain terms and concepts, as well as clearly apply them to the case. It should be abundantly clear that now that you have become an expert on juvenile justice and juvenile offending and that you can clearly explain the necessary concepts, systems, and procedures to folks who have no prior knowledge.
  • Explain,using scholarly sources, what could have been improved, or what has been improved since the case, about particular aspects of how agents of the justice system handled the case (e.g., police interrogation, judge processing decisions).

Submit your paper as a 5-7-page Microsoft Word document in proper APA format. Be sure your paper meets the following expectations:

  • Fully and clearly address all parts of the prompt
  • Be free of grammatical and spelling errors
  • ***Cite the required readings in this module and at least two additional scholarly references.
    Personal experience will not be counted as a reference.
  • Times New Roman; 12-point font; 1” margins, double-spaced
    Do not include a title page or abstract.

Required Readings/Resources that must be used!

  • Mays & Winfree, Chapter 12
  • Cauffman, E., Fine, A., Mahler, A., & Simmons, C. (2018).How Developmental Science Influences Juvenile Justice Reform. UC Irvine L. Rev., 8, 21-40.


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