Week 2 Cultural Values Reseach

Reflect back over the readings related to non-verbal communication and the cultural clusters for this week – Eastern Europe and Latin Europe, (from the Expand Your Borders text).

For this course project, research the following topics as they pertain to these cultural clusters:
1. Non-verbal communication, including body language, clothing and attire, and self-expression within these groups and consider the following:
• How does each culture view body language and movements? Some things to research would be meanings and context for whistling, wringing hands, bowed posture, twiddling thumbs, steepled hands, sprawling sitting positions, rubbing hands through hair, open hands, unbuttoned suit jacket, tugging ears, etc.
• How do employers in each culture view casual attire? What is the acceptance of casual dress in the business environment?
• How does each culture view self-expression of tattoos and piercings? What type of nonverbal cues do body adornments send?
• How do gestures play a role in communication within each culture? Consider the ones discussed in the text along with the fingertip kiss, nose thumb, eyelid pull, nose tap, head shake, etc.

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2. Codes of conduct within business practices for these cultures and consider the following:
• How does each culture view business gifts, gratuities, kickbacks? Is it acceptable to provide gifts, just to get business from a company?
• How do employers in each culture view nepotism? Is it acceptable to hire family members over more qualified applicants?
• How does each culture view the amount of money spent on entertainment within business? Is it acceptable to spend thousands of dollars to attend sporting venues or play in golf tournaments in order to sway clients to your business?
• What are the common practices to gain business within each of the cultures?
• What are the prevailing business practices within each culture?
• How does each culture view bribery within business practices?
• How does personal beliefs and religion affect business within each of the cultures?
• How does gender play in business roles within each culture?
• What are the common practices to gain business within each of the cultures?
• What are some of the standard business etiquette practices within each culture?

You do not have to cover all of the questions listed above, but you should conduct enough research to provide a general understanding of the cultures related to communication and business practices. You may want to use CIA World Factbook (Links to an external site.) (select the country from the drop down menu at the top right of the screen), CultureGramsLinks to an external site. database (World Version – click on the country location), or BBC News Country Profiles (Links to an external site.) as resources.
Now, open a Word document and start to summarize some of your findings about the cultures. Be sure you include the following:

• The document should be close to a page length with notes, findings, and interesting facts listed regarding each of the cultural clusters (you may bullet point items and double space on the page). This portion of the document does not have to be APA formatted.
• Include references for your sources (should have at least four to six references by the end of the project, and two of them can be your books for this class). Use APA format for your references.
• Use the Cultural Values Research Assignment TEMPLATE (Links to an external site.) (you will need to click “File” then place your mouse over “Download As” and click on “Microsoft Word.” This will create a WORD document for you to type into, save, and submit your personal file).

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