Summary Exercise Essay, Open and Closed Systems of Stratification

Underlined thesis statement in introductory paragraph.

Find at least five
relevant sources from periodicals.

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Summary Exercise Essay, Open and Closed Systems of Stratification
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From the sources that you find, choose one to
summarize. The source you choose should be a credible periodical and not merely a random
website. Also keep in mind that your chosen source should be research-based and non-
fiction. For example, you should not summarize a short story for this assignment. Choose a
source such as a journal article, an essay in an anthology, a magazine article, or a newspaper

With this summary, you should include:
An introduction that provides the source information (book, journal, article, etc.) and
offers the main idea of the information in the source.
Approximately three body paragraphs to summarize the beginning, the middle, and
the ending of the piece.
A conclusion that explains how this source helped you better understand your chosen
research paper topic.
A works cited page

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