Persuasive (problem-solution) Essay MLA format

Same topic as cause and effect essay which I attached for reference.
Persuasive (Problem-Solution) Grading Rubric100 pts.
Essay is at least four full pages (not counting Works Cited), double-spaced, 12 pt. type. It includes a proper Header and Running Head. 10 pts.
Thesis clearly states a specific, focused problem relating to your topic and proposes a specific, focused solution to that problem. 15 pts.
Essay body examines advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution. The body addresses how difficult and costly it would be to implement, if that’s relevant. The conclusion restates the problem and proposed solution and adds information (a fact, a quote, anything in addition to summarizes what has already been said). Citations are present in the appropriate places. 25 pts.Essay contains at least 6 sources, at least 2 of which must be a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal. 15 pts.Grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sophistication of writing: 15 pts.Proper MLA formatting for the in-text citations and Works Cited page: 20 pts.

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Persuasive (problem-solution) Essay MLA format
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