Marketing strategy

Please answer Discussion Questions 1 and 2 . 2 pages total is sufficient, match percentage MUST be below 25%. Pie-charts and quadrant charts are not required.

The Kelly Bottling Company, located in a large metropolitan area of some 5 million people, pro-duced and marketed a line of carbonated beverages consisting mainly of flavored soft drinks (not including colas), soda water, and tonics. They were sold in different types of packages and sizes to a wide variety of retail accounts. How might such a company expand its revenues by pursuing each of the different expansion strategies discussed in Exhibit 2.5?
2. Which diversification strategy is illustrated by each of the following acquisitions? What syner-gies or benefits might each purchase produce? a. A packaged food company’s acquisition of a fast-food company that features hamburgers and french fries.
b. A large retailer’s purchase of an interest in a company producing small appliances. c. A tobacco company’s acquisition of a beer company. d. An oil company’s acquisition of an insurance company.

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