Learning Reflection

Compose a three-paragraph reflection and submit your reflection as an assignment in the online course. Each week you will write a learning reflection; some general guidelines for the three-paragraph weekly reflections are as follows:

Choose one or two main concepts or ideas presented in the reading and other weekly material (video, podcast, etc.) and reflect upon how the materials that you engaged with this week strengthened, broke-down, challenged or changed some (or all) that you thought you knew about the main concepts or ideas.

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It is expected that in your three-paragraph reflection(s) you will communicate connections that you made between your previous knowledge of the concepts/ideas, assumptions about the concepts/ideas, personal experience with the concepts/ideas and the information presented in the assigned course materials.

One way to write these reflections is to critically assess then communicate your responses to the following questions:

What did you learn about the main concepts/ideas presented in the materials this week?
As you engaged with the material this week, did you learn something about yourself, your assumptions, your family, community, or society?
How will you use what you learned this week as you move forward in your career, educational pathway, and/or social life?

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