
Intervention (Theory)

a. What is the intervention process?

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b. When does the intervention process begin?

c. Describe role of the social work professional in the intervention process?

d. What are two (2) ways in which family engagement in the intervention is important to child welfare practice? Please explain these two ways while referencing course material to substantiate all points made.

e. What are two (2) factors that can make intervention process challenging for the worker, and or the family?

f. How might you, as the social worker be able to mitigate these challenges?

II. Intervention (Practice) Please base the answers to the following questions on the attached vignette.

Describe to role of the social work professional to the child and or the child’s family during the intervention process?
How might you, as the worker engage this child and or the child’s family in the intervention process?
Using the course text, please help me to understand how these approaches could be a best fit for this scenario in particular?
What are two (2) challenges you may encounter in the intervention process with the child and or the child’s family?
Please describe how you can prepare for and address these challenges.

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