Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)

Objective: Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP). This is a system for monitoring the food service process to reduce the risk of food-borne illness. HACCP focuses on how food flows through the process – from purchasing through serving. This material starts on page 10.5 (Chapter 10).
The Project: Based on the protein and recipe, a student will work individually to create a HACCP Program. Students will write a paper (no more than 2 pages) with the Seven Principles of HACCP. Then, create a flow chart based on the protein and recipe that identifies the seven (7) steps of the HACCP Process.
Here are the Seven (7) Principles of the HACCP process:
1) Identify the protein that is used on your menu. Then read Principle 1: Conduct a Hazard Analysis
a. How does your protein relate to Principle 1?
b. In paragraph form, please identify the item, where you will purchase the item, what form will you buy it (such as frozen, dried, canned).
2) Determine critical control points (CCPs). See the example on the bottom of page 10.6.
3) Establish Critical Limits. How long will you cook the protein, and what temperature.
4) Establish Monitoring Procedures – who is going to do this?
5) Identify Corrective Actions
6) Verify That the System Works – Who is going to evaluate it, when (time), how often?
7) Establish Procedures for Record Keeping and Documentation.
HINT: Make sure you read Chapter 10 before starting this project!
RECAP: Each student will turn in a paper – Seven Principles of the HACCP Process, a recipe based on your protein, and a flow chart based on when/where you receive the protein, all the way through the service process.

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Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
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