Ethical decision making

Current Events: Review each chapter in your required textbook to identify topic areas. Find a current event (news, article, video etc) that correlates specifically to a topic within each specific chapter of your text. Provide a two page summary of the event, how it correlates to the related chapter, and your thoughts. Use APA to cite both the textbook and whatever outside sources you used in your summary.

Chapter 1: Ethical decision making
Cheney, C. (2020). 4 Ethical dilemmas for healthcare organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Retreived from

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Ethical decision making
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Chapter 2: Patient is DEAR(Dignity, Empathy, Autonomy, and Respect)
Tso, L. (2020). Telehealth may finally shift healthcareto be patient-centered. Retrieved from

Chapter 3: Gender identity
Cole, D. (2020). LGBTQ groups sue to block Trump administration from scrapping transgender
health care protections. Retrieved from

Chapter 4: Confidentiality in the healthcare industry
Cohen, M. (2020). The Confusion Over Privacy: HIPAA, the Constitution, and COVID-19. Retrieved

Chapter 5: Workplace laws and healthcare professionals
Schlag, C. (2020). New OSHA guidance for businesses returning to work. Retrieved from

Please use the attached text book pages for reference. 2 sources per paper. There should be a total of five 2 page papers with 2 sources each. No title page needed. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

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