Critical Analysis of CLASSROOM Assessment

To complete your critical analysis of a state assessment, you will identify and obtain a copy of a classroom assessment and evaluate it in terms of:

its technical soundness, particularly in relation to the Common Core curriculum, learning objectives, and classroom instruction;
its fairness in assessing all students; and
its usefulness for the purposes for which it is used.
You can use any classroom assessment to which you have access. If you do not have access, you can find mid- and end- module assessments in the EngageNY mathematics modules.

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Critical Analysis of CLASSROOM Assessment
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In developing your analysis, consider the following questions:

Does this test adequately measure what it purports to measure? (Consider its relation to the Common Core Learning Standards, learning objectives and classroom instruction)
Is it reasonable and fair to administer this test to all learners? (Consider accommodations that can be applied)
To what extent is the scoring of responses reliable? (Are there any materials provided to assist in and/or provide consistency in scoring?)
What are valid uses of the results obtained from this test? (Consider decisions made about students, teachers, and schools using the data)
What suggestions can you make for improving the quality, fairness and/or usefulness of this measure?
There will be three parts to your analysis:

Identifying information: To whom is this test administered? What content is covered? What are the administration protocols?
Critical analysis of the test: Refer to questions 1-4 and provide examples whenever possible
Summary and suggestions: Refer to question 5
If using an EngageNY mathematics assessment, provide enough identifying information (grade, module, mid or end) so I can retrieve the assessment for reference.

If using other classroom assessments, be sure to include as an appendix so I can reference it as I read your analysis.

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