Business Communication

Written report that consists of the examination of a target country’s culture and business etiquette. Students will choose a country of their choice to perform the examination.

Research a country of interest to you, then address the following:
1. What are the five most intriguing aspects of the culture? (1-2 pages)
2. What are five aspects of business etiquette you would expect to observe when interacting with members of this culture, especially as contrasted to the United States? (1-2 pages)
3. Choose three relevant cultural dimensions (underlying sets of norms and values) and explain how they impact business etiquette in the country. (2-3 pages)
4. What are five questions about business etiquette you would like to ask a person from the country you chose? Explain why you chose these questions. (1-2 pages)

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Business Communication
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I expect a quality submission that demonstrates an appropriate level of professionalism. Your submission should
… be written in a narrative format. First-person pronouns are okay.
… make appropriate use of headings and subheadings.
… not contain spelling and grammar errors. Use at least two different programs to conduct spelling and grammar checks. MS Word may be used for one of the programs. There are various other programs available online (e.g., Ginger Software, Grammarly, GrammarLookup, ProWritting Aid, WhiteSmoke, etc.). These programs are not perfect, and their recommendations should not be adopted without thought.
… be in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
… make use of, and cite appropriately, a minimum of 4 quality sources. APA Format.
… include a cover sheet.

Note: Page lengths are provided as a guide; I do not grade on page length. Please be thorough but concise.

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