Art Exhibition 2: Revised Timeline and References

Part one of this job had been done in Art Exhibition 2, and I have also made the necessary adjustments needed. I will include it to help you conclude on which two references to use in writing the last part of Art Exhibition 2, which is the 50-word essay for each of the references.

Module 6 instruction

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Art Exhibition 2: Revised Timeline and References
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During Module 6, you will revise the proposed timeline you submitted in Module 5. This revised timeline should incorporate any changes deemed necessary in the grading feedback for the Module 5 proposed timeline. Your Module 6 revised timeline will also include a preliminary reference list for the Art Exhibition. For this reference list, you will need to list the Living with Art text book, ten individual references for each of your ten chosen works of art, plus 2 additional academic references that you will use in the writing of the 4-6 page research paper that is part of the final Art Exhibition due in Module 8. Your 2 additional academic references can be on the subject of art itself or a related, relevant topic. For these two additional references, a 50-word summary of each should be included. Art museums, the Khan Academy, newspapers such as the New York Times, and sources such as PBS, The Smithsonian Magazine, or National Geographic would all be appropriate to use. Download and use the attached “HUM3610 APA Template Art Exhibition 2” for this assignment. This template includes the required formatting for this assignment as well as sample references.

Your revised timeline and references for the Art Exhibition due for Module 6 will be incorporated into your Art Exhibition assignment due in Module 7.

Submit in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format only. Please refer to the attached grading rubric and APA template.

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