Should clergy privilege be honored in cases of child sex abuse?

A basic term paper with 2500 words.
1. intro
2. background info
3. analysis/competing argument(pro/con)
4. observation and recommended policy change
5. summary/closing statement
On the subject, I am against clergy privilege when any child is being harmed, and think it should be mandatory for clergy to report child sex offence to the police.
I am most interested in the policys of the jehovah’s witness watchtower organization as they have abused this clergy privilege and have harmed many children. It will be very easy to find lots of information on this subject and sources for the paper.

I am not required to use any special style except what I listed above on 1-5 and also 2 sources. Last but not least no plagerism!

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Should clergy privilege be honored in cases of child sex abuse?
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The John Cedars Channel on youtube is a great source though not required.

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