Research Essay SOCI 100CV-1

What is the essay about?

For this essay, you will apply what you have been learning in class to a current social issue in Canadian society. Papers should illustrate your knowledge of texts and concepts and your ability to utilize them in critical thinking.

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Research Essay SOCI 100CV-1
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How to get started? Three easy steps.

I suggest you start with your interests. Think about topics/modules/discussions that stood out to you. If you need inspiration, review modules and textbook chapters.

Then, begin a Google search for current news articles, interviews or podcasts. Make notes on the different perspectives and ideologies being put forth.

When you have settled on an issue, you should begin to think about what sociological concepts and theories you have learned that can help to explain the issue you’re researching. Sociological concepts are found in your textbook and my lectures. Concepts help us to organize our thinking about abstract topics, and they allow us to think in terms of explanation. In this final step, thesis statements begin to emerge.

Essay requirements:

  1. Relevant topic – needs to be a current social issue in Canada.
  2. Thesis statement.
  3. Minimum of 3 sources (textbook & reliable news source CBC, CTV, Global News).
  4. Length: 3 – 4 pages of text. Double spaced.
  5. Papers should have a title, correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and APA citations with a works cited page. You do not need to provide an abstract.

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