Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Description: Each of you will also conduct a research paper on any management/leadership/business topic of your choice. However, just like your book selection, please get my approval prior to starting any work on your research paper. Topics must be chosen and approved via e-mail by Feb 3 (2nd week of class). Papers should be 7-10 pages in length, double spaced, be no larger than 12 font, contain a title and works cited page – which do not count towards length. You can use either MLA or APA format, just please pick one, stick with it and do it correctly. To receive full credit you must utilize at least five sources for your paper. Sources may include and should not be limited to your text, articles from magazines, newspapers or peer-reviewed journals, books or personal interviews. Although it is not a requirement of this paper, interviewing someone who deals with the topic of your paper is a powerful tool to back up your own opinions and often provides a good deal of material in which to work

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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
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