One paragraph should be about:
How to Write an EBP Literature Review
Implementing evidence into practice requires nurses to identify, critically appraise and synthesize research. this may require a comprehensive literature review. Please respond to the following questions:
In your own words, discuss what “evidence” means to you.
What are “journal articles” and “Peer Review”?
In your own words, describe in detail what a literature review is and how it is useful when making clinical decisions?
Discuss in detail the major purposes of doing a literature review.
Discuss the various criteria that a good literature review will have.
What does the acronym IMRaD stand for?

the other page should include:
Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols
Search and locate one systematic review or practice guideline in your topic of interest (Include the citation).
Evaluate the following:
The systematic review or practice guideline relies primarily on studies conducted in the last five years.
The review provides support for the importance of the study
The authors have use primary, rather than secondary sources.
Studies are critically examined and reported objectively
The systematic review or practice guideline is organized so that a logical unfolding of Ideas is apparent that supports the need for the review
The systematic review or practice guideline ends with a summary of the most important knowledge.

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