CWP Evolution & Refinement 2020

Create a new and improved Creative Work Plan version of your Assignment B.

Specifically, use the lectures and discussions of the past weeks, as well as the supplied CWP Template below, and refine your initial strategy document (your original Assignment B submission) – illustrating clearly your new understanding of the specific prompts within the CWP (i.e. Advertising Objective, Target Consumer, Consumer Benefit, etc.).

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CWP Evolution & Refinement 2020
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Please be diligent in the articulation of your Key Insight – doing your best to be consumer-centric, specific and simple.

Your Creative Work Plan will be a key part of your Final Presentation Success, so do your best to be clear, articulate and wonderfully simple. I’m looking to see your evolution of your thinking and your writing skills.

Please Put The Following In For Your Deliverables (FYI – these will be the elements for your Final Presentation Assignment):

An overview or cover page for the campaign with a sentence or two about how you used the Key Insight and/or Consumer Benefit to guide your creative output.
One 30-second Audio Script (for Broadcast Radio or Streaming)
One 8-frame Storyboard (that works in a campaign with radio)
One Social Post (that works in a campaign with radio and TV)

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