The Importance of Education in People’s Life and the Ways to Get It.

Final Paper Guidelines
1. The topic of your final paper is The Importance of Education in People’s Life and the Ways to Get It.
2. Introduction: Introduce your topic by defining it and naming the historical and cultural contexts leading to your thesis statement that will express your main idea about the subject of your paper expressed in one or two sentences.
3. The Body: There must be at least three main points supporting your thesis. If you have more, that’s fine.
4. You have to provide evidence to every point: examples from the readings, data, facts from secondary sources. Use quotes and in text citations to back your assertions.
5. Logical Conclusion: Conclude your paper by giving a brief summary 0f the main points and restating your thesis, driving home your argument
6. Revision: revision is an essential step of a composing process. It means that you must rethink, reshape and rewrite, plus edit your paper before submitting it. Your final draft must be free of syntactic, semantic and grammatical errors.
7. Include the Works Cited page
8. Your paper should be at least 7 pages.

Noted:- You should have to returned this essay before the dude date because I’m gonna show my professor because If any mistake before submitting. please follow the description step one by one.

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The Importance of Education in People’s Life and the Ways to Get It.
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