Reflection essay assignment

In addition to our textbook readings, we will read several articles over the course of the term that demonstrate a range of approaches to and forms of critical/rhetorical scholarship. Each week, you will select one from the additional reading found under the Weekly Readings tab or those supplied at the end of each chapter (or with approval you may use a relevant source from the internet that encompasses the topics covered within the reading) and write a double-spaced 500 -750 word reflection essay (also entitled a literature review) discussing the article’s message, theoretical approach, or whatever is most relevant to your understanding of the article’s scholarly value.

You may choose to reflect on whatever elements of the article and/or its methodology you find most helpful, but your analysis should be more than unsupported opinion on the article’s “goodness” or “badness.” You will be graded on your ability to demonstrate critical insight into how the article works (or does not work) and how the author(s)’ approach to research works in relation to its topic and stated goals. You are expected to interweave specific evidence from the article — quotes, paraphrases, and key concepts, but these review essays should primarily be written in your own voice.

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