Into the wild by Jon and wild by Cheryl

book link- into the wild,

This semester, you have read two pieces of literature that, clearly, have similarities and differences. For your final project, you will once more apply the topics of Krakauer’s Into the Wild and Strayed’s Wild and compose a PowerPoint (slides) presentation. Each slide of your presentation should focus on either a similarity or difference between the two pieces of literature.

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Into the wild by Jon and wild by Cheryl
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Required Components:

1. A cover slide that introduces your visual presentation. The cover slide should have your name, one piece of relevant imagery, and the title of the project. It is with this cover slide that you first consider design. The sky is the limit!

2. At least ten slides that, individually, showcase either one similarity or one difference between Krakauer’s Into the Wild and Strayed’s Wild. Each of the ten slides should include at least one piece of relevant imagery that captures the comparison or contrast of focus. Each of the ten slides should also include one quote from Krakauer’s Into the Wild and one quote from Strayed’s Wild that also captures the comparison or contrast of focus.

Comparisons/Contrasts (areas of focus) may include but are not limited to:

● themes between the two pieces of literature

● connection between natural world and human “questions” and how each author scribes the connection

● discussions of gender in nature and how each author scribes the topic of gender in nature

● style of writing of our authors

● ways our authors apply sources

● purposes of writing for our authors

● credibility of our authors

● responsibility of our authors

● personal identity for our main characters

● literal and/or creative interpretations of book and chapter titles

● emotions found within the writings

● successes and triumphs of our main characters

● shortfalls and tragedies of our main characters

● the shaping of our main characters through human interactions/relationships

● how our main characters prepared for their journeys

● the roles of books and reading in the lives of our main characters

● social distancing, and how well or poorly our main characters did or did not self-isolate

Just one more thing!

With your slides presentation, include a three-page written introduction (a short essay). Your written introduction should announce the comparisons/contrasts that I am about to view. You should also indicate why you chose the comparisons/contrasts. For enjoyment? For further exploration? For originality? For personal connection? For another reason?

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