Healthcare Homework

Answer the following questions to complete Homework 2. Necessary library and Internet research are needed to answer these questions. Don’t try to copy answers from the textbook. Make sure your answers and submission follow syllabus requirements:

1. Use PubMed or another abstract database (available from FIU library website) to find an academic journal article on a health topic of interest to you. Read the article to find the answers to these questions: (a) What was the main study question? (b) Who participated in the study, where did it take place, and when was it conducted? (c) What study design was used? and (d) What was the answer to the main study question?

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2. Find a recent news story from the popular press about a newly released health research report. Look up and read the scientific article on which the news report was based. Was the news story accurate? Did it leave out any critical information?

3. Do you identify with a particular ethnic group? Do you know of any health conditions that you are at special risk for because of your ethnic background? Are these conditions genetic? Are they related to health behaviors?

4. What are some of the conditions related to poverty that increase the risk of infectious diseases? Noncommunicable disease? Neuropsychiatric disorders? Injuries? Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

25.0 pts
The responses question demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of the assigned material.
20.0 pts
The question responses demonstrated that the assigned material was reviewed carefully and critically, but could have been strengthened with additional details.
15.0 pts
The question responses demonstrated that the assigned material was briefly reviewed and omitted pertinent details from the material.
10.0 pts
The question responses demonstrated that the assigned material was not reviewed.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence and Support
25.0 pts
The question responses were thoroughly supported by evidence, examples, and observations.
20.0 pts
The question responses were supported by a sufficient amount of evidence, examples, and observations, but could have been strengthened with additional support.
15.0 pts
The question responses were insufficiently supported by evidence, examples, and observations.
10.0 pts
The question responses were not supported by evidence, examples, and observations.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure
25.0 pts
The question responses were clearly and coherently developed- ideas progressed seamlessly from one response to another.
20.0 pts
The question responses were clear and coherent- ideas progressed from one to another with minimal transitional errors.
15.0 pts
The question responses were not clearly and coherently developed- ideas progressed with little transitional phrases/sentences.
10.0 pts
The question responses were not clear and coherent- ideas progressed with no transitional phrases/sentences.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Citations
25.0 pts
The submission was: • Typed double spaced with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins • Free of grammatical errors • All sources were properly cited and referenced, using APA formatting.
20.0 pts
The submission was: • Typed double spaced with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins • Contained minimal grammatical errors • Most sources were properly cited and referenced, using APA formatting.
15.0 pts
The submission was: • Either not typed double spaced, used incorrect font, used incorrect margins, or some combination of the three. • Contained a considerable amount of grammatical errors • Many sources were not cited, using APA formatting, or cited incorrectly.
10.0 pts
The submission was: • Not typed double spaced and/or used incorrect font and/or used incorrect margins • Contained excessive grammatical errors • Most (or none) of the sources were properly cited and referenced, using APA formatting.
25.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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