Essay about the early Settlement of British colonist in Newfoundland

I’m looking for help for historical essay that talks about the settlement of early British colonist in Newfoundland.

The essay required a 1-2 sentences introduction which must include:

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Essay about the early Settlement of British colonist in Newfoundland
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1. what the essay is writing about?

2. what period it covers? (has to be specific, e.g. 15xx-17xx)

3. what geographical area, region will argue about?

Also, the body part of the essay must have 3 separate ideas about what bring the British colonist to arrive. For example, the attraction to discover the new channel travel to the east Asia, the benefit from fishery, the drive of trade…(Just for example).

This part must taking the most weight of the essay.

Also Summary and References is required. The references must be primary source.

2000-2500 words in total.

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