English assignment

Define and discuss race in America. What is the current state of race relations? How are you defining race? What suggestions do you have to make it better?

Make sure that you appropriately reference others’ materials used in your paper, using APA style writing. The paper should include at least one reference from a professional journal.
Research Paper should include the following:
1. Introduction: – Make sure that your paper includes an introduction of your Labor/Employee Relations, and include a transitory explanation of what your paper will contain.
2. Body – Make sure that the body is relevant stay focused. Also make sure to relate your topic with today’s work environment and a relevant example – today. * Please make sure to give your own opinion and thoughts here for maximum

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3. Conclusion: – Summarize your points in the paper, but keep it short. Make sure that the summary includes something you referred to in your introduction and/or body.
4. Reference Page: – Make sure that you include a reference page of others’ works. You should follow the APA reference style.
5. Spelling/Grammar/Writing Content and timeliness: – Make sure that you reread your

work and/or have someone else to review your work, so that you can avoid misspellings, and grammar.

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