Email about job

You should find one job listing for an entry level job in the career field you want to pursue.(Ferguson’s Career Database,,, etc…).

The following questions should be answered and written in a formal email format to me. Format is Introduction, Information, Conclusion. A sample student email is attached.

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Email about job
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Introduction: What is an entry-level position? What are other names of entry-level positions? Is there more than one path one could take? Write these answers in a paragraph in an email to me.
Body: Then answer the following questions from the ONE specific job from an ad you would really like to have. Answer the questions by writing a brief paragraph and using bullet points to answer each question. (remember to save the link to this job as it might disappear). Get the information from it when you find the link.
Conclusion: BRIEF conclusion why this might be a good fit for you.
Questions to answer include but are not limited to:

what is the URL for this listing?
What is the job company name(s)?
List two pieces of information about that company that drew you to choose this one
Where is the job located? Are there many locations and which one would you prefer
Qualifications for job?
Preferred Qualifications for job? (not all will have this)
Duties and Responsibilities? or Requirements? (most will have something worded similarly)
Salary range? (not all will have them)
Required travel? (not all will have this)
Perks of the job (these are the benefits offered such as insurance, retirement, company car, etc…)
Final paragraph is the conclusion. Please briefly describe why you want to work here and how it would be a good fit for you.

Please include a APA References of the sources you use: PURDUE OWL APA

Remember, just answer the questions with brief complete sentences. This is an email which should be brief and easy to read.

How to write email:

Email is a primary form of professional correspondence in the work place. Professional emails must be concise, with a clear sense of purpose and a clear indicator of the needed response. Email in the work place should be both confidential and ethical while observing the rules of netiquette, which is defined as the correct and acceptable way of communicating on the Internet. Professional tone is required to always represent yourself and your company in the best possible way. Also, be sure to carefully proof read and edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Professional emails will contain all of the following:

Header with all necessary information, including correct email addresses as well as a clear subject in the subject line.
All details are presented concisely in the text body of the email.
Sign your email and use a salutation: Sincerely, Regards, etc.

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