Anything that has to do with Biology

This is for an Annotated Bibliography or a Literature Report.

1. About 300 words in length (try to stay between 290-310). Use standard formatting in Word.
2. In science you never, ever, ever use quotations. You must paraphrase or describe information from your sources, but never quote it. Likewise, you should have no more than 3 words in a row the same as your source. If you copy a significant string of words straight from your source you have plagiarized. Paraphrase! This shouldn’t even be an issue since for these assignments you will be describing research in layman’s terms, but this is important information to know regardless.
3. Avoid slang, overly casual language, and fluffy words. Yes, you are writing in layman’s terms, but it still needs to sound professional. Do not ever mention your feelings or emotions in the paper.
4. Include a “Works Cited” reference at the TOP of your paper. Use the citation guide below for help creating a proper reference. Needs to be in APA format. Example: Aksnes DL (2007) Evidence for visual constraints in large marine fish stocks. Limnolgy and Oceanography 52:198-203.
Has to be a peered review article and has to have the pdf file with it as well. General APA format has to be like this: Lastname INITIALS (YEAR) Title of the article with just the first letter capitalized unless there is a proper noun. Journal Vol:Page-Page.
5. For the citation This is NOT MLA or APA format. When you publish in biological journals you always use the style of the journal, not the humanities/social sciences formats (MLA/APA), and unfortunately these vary by journal.
6. Include: i. WHY was this research performed? What’s the context for it?
ii. WHAT did the authors do and how did they do it?
iii. WHAT were their results? (be specific, use general numbers)
iv. WHAT are the implications of their research? How does it benefit mankind or further the body of research on their topic? What does it all mean?

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Anything that has to do with Biology
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